Oct 29, 2009
In future...
A thought has come to my mind. Am into advertising..my preferred choice of career since 12th std. Speaking of which, I feel am one of those lucky ones who are doing what they really want to do as a part of their job.
Suppose, suppose I get bored out of this in some years and feel like moving to some other industry, where would I like to see myself and doing what?
I want to be a film maker and get into documentary film making...Basically a factual representation with self driven beliefs. So there is a concept, a script, its development, pre-production and post-production, editing ..so many things but it is different every time...yeah it allures me like anything....lemme think for a while about this..as I just had my lunch creative thoughts are bound to come!
Given my background, where i do mostly corporate ad films which are" mostly" commercial and a "few" based on social themes.. hence, it will be a good area to explore!
Freelance film making is lucrative monetarily and also one gets a medium to showcase certain things in a particular way. A well made 10 mts, 30 mts or a 1 hour documentary when reaches appropriate audiences can make a difference.
I want to cover so many aspects. They are endless. Culture in rural areas in India, food habits, dialects, taboos, new wave cinema, fashion, people....capturing the essence of society.
There are different styles in documentaries. And so much to learn...camera handling, angles, light and sound techniques..all needs proper training. Its challenging, innovative and a piece of art.
Just hope that i make sensible use of my time in future :)
p.s. am turning into more of a self-conservationist and self obsessed blogger... whatever that means!
Oct 16, 2009
Mood swings are good!

October 16th 14:11 pm
Just had my lunch. Tomorrow is Diwali, an off this weekend and coming days am on a vacation. Sounds good...no office ..no trin trin..no maddening voice of my clients...am happy :)
But there is another reason to be happy today. I got a compliment from our senior copywriter..."u r doing better than ur boss" wow that means something!
Finally, my friend Jazz got the ticket..he is going to his home town..poor guy otherwise he would have spent Diwali in Delhi..Though Delhi is all decked up in festivals..people are getting very innovative these days...
I just do not like noisy crackers and patakhas..am more phuljhadi types..they don't make noise and yet glitter :)
I have been thinking about something..there is wish that i really really want to come true...and I know that when we want something that desperately it happens... I do not care for the consequences but I want this to happen anyhow....This is making me cranky....please God..listen to me one more time!
And now I can see a pattern here..strange but true! Lately, I write blog posts only when I m sad or introspecting about something....coz when I am happy am doing something else..whatever!
Well, I feel this excess baggage is lifted now...back to work.........
And a very happy and prosperous Diwali to all :)
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