Jan 29, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire - Rrrringa:)
I happened to see the movie last week. And when I got out of the theatre, I was filled with a good feeling. The impact was tremendous.
People all over the world have come up with mixed reviews for this piece of art. They have have appreciated, criticised and questioned the storyline, depiction of slum life, portrayal of characters etc.
The movie has already created waves in cinema world over and has bagged 10 Oscar nominations which is indeed a wonderful feat in itself. A R Rahman's music adds another feather in the cap.
My personal opinion about the film is that it is very strong.
What the movie shows is nothing new....we know how kids grow up in slums, we know how orphans are thrown at the mercy of goons to beg, we know that prostituion is a reality and we know how Kaun Banega Crorepati was a rage in Indian audiences.
What is different about this movie is the simplicity and a touch of reality at the backdrop of a very touching love story.
Every charachter is accurately sketched. Jamal's relationship with his brother from his childhood, adolescence and youth represents different shades and situations which determine their individual traits.
Their abiltiy to survive through adversity shows that ordinary people can do extra ordinary things.
And Latika, Jamal's love interest is forced to choose the wrong path but ultimately unites him after numerous ordeals.
The most challenging part of the movie was to correlate the events in Jamal's life with every answer he gave on the show. The reasoning behind his every right answer is exhibited in artistic way. It generates pathos, humour, anger, curiousity at each answer.
Prem Kumar, the host of the show is a blend of many shades. He is shown as a typical Bollywood hero. He is popular, charismatic and influential. He plots the arrest of Jamal and in the end understands that real life hero is greater than a reel-life hero.
And it shows Mumbai, and why it is still a city of dreams:)
So, here goes the story line.....
The movie is neither a make-believe, nor an exaggeration of events and situations. Those who claim that western directors only display the dark side on Indian society then I feel that when Danny Boyle chose this subject he would not have been biased, not prejudiced about Indians. It is not just about slums or the word "dog" attached to it. The director picked up the novel Q & A as it represented a fresh approach, a positivity, a newness and above all how human beings can rise up to the occasion. It speaks volumes about the strength of human charachter from the angle of protagonist.
And I really wish from my heart that Slumdog Millionaire gets as many awards as possible. Oscars...yeah!
Jan 28, 2009
Last night as usual when sleep was playing hide and seek, I kept myself busy with random thoughts.
I find such late night thoughts amazing because they have no relation with each other...just thoughts...funny and sad..all kinds of!
I was thinking that there are times when we do certain things which we ought not to.
This post is dedicated to those classic moments where I was torn between COULD/WOULD/SHOULD!
There were times when I felt like I could have done this..but something propelled me not to do it because doing it otherwise would have created some problem. Similarly, I should not have done something but I did it because I wanted to do that thing earnestly. So, could and would and should always clash when it comes to decision making.
I have seen a very interesting poster in my cousin's room. It has a picture of a lazy dog and
it says -" I can, but I won't"....kinda cute and funny!
Anyway, I mostly try to do the right things in my life. As a student I was good, I am working sincerely, my relationship with family and friends is warm and sweet.
So, where do I go wrong? Of course there are flaws in me...I judge things like hell...and I m way too emotional.
Thousands of time I have told myself to think practically but no...my stubbornness gets into the way.
So, my moral clock tickles me everytime when I when I am jealous or angry or feel proud..what I mean is when 7 sins overpower me ( each on its time!) I sometimes choose correctly between could / would/ should and sometimes I just lose it.
OK then....time to go back in the real world.......ha!
Jan 23, 2009
CHANGE - Not just a word!

Well, to me change in an individual is in terms of thoughts, actions and way of living depending upon circumstances and forces operating in one's life.
Changes - good or bad are inevitable.
They are either in a compuslive form being thrown on us or we imbibe them because of personal/social reasons.
Changes and adaptability go hand in hand.
Management books give insights on changes, resistance to change, solutions to avoid resisitance and many more related concepts.
But I have always felt and realised that books and theories can only supplement a fact; they cannot judge or deicide that this is a rule of thumb or this is how it is going to be..blah blah blah
My personal experiences tell me that whenever I have changed something about myself, it has nothing to do with what is right and what is ideal in such and such cases....but it has been based upon a deep thought, introspection and sometimes out of impulse.
I am easily influenced by anything.
Literally anything that charms me in the slightest possible manner or that attracts my attention I go gaga fo it.
This is little stupid because then I feel like emulating the same in me. It is not imitating someone or tryig to be like sombody...its just picturing myself how would I behave in someone else's shoes.
Such changes don't last long because the real me gets over again.
Ahh please nothing to do with multi-personas here:) am far too occupied with myself!
But yes, some changes leave a mark. Sometimes changes happen automatically without realisation and others tell you that "hey! you have changed". Seriously, when one recieves such comments, I wonder what goes in their head - what do they mean ....You have changed for the good! or You have become worse ! or you are still the same..you can never change! I have observed that people mostly do not appreciate changes in others while they secretly admire the same adopted by them.
Earlier, I used to bother myself a lot by issues like what others will think and "others" were less important people apart from my family and friends.
Isn't it good that I no longer commit myself to previous follies by being distracted by such thoughts.
I have experimented with my beliefs and looks. So far, I am satisfied with them because certain beliefs are constant and I am happy that the basic "me" hasnot changed.
I Like something new, something different and something exciting that keeps the life going and that drives me to enjoy life as it comes my way.
SO, cheers to change:)
Jan 18, 2009
Not feeling well:(
I just hate lying on bed and do nothing. So despite of my cough and burning eyes I am posting over here to put down my thoughts.
For me -Get well soon
Jan 10, 2009
AMAZED - My state of mind!
If I have to describe my current state of mind in one word, then it would be - AMAZED
How funny are my moodswings..damn I am turing into gosh..what not:)
So, anyway...coming back to my state of mind.
Amazed because-
Every minute I am seeing things change....how stupid can this be? But it is there..and I am flowing along with it.
No wonder they call ad business - a mad mad world....am virtually living in it..phew!
Call it deliberate, quinessential, freaking creative....infinite words can be summed up together to define this concept termed "WORK".
Start my day with blinkng eyes, gearing up myself and telling myself...yeah baby....its morning:) and look my face into mirror and think...and realise dear God I am getting late now:)
I n all this hurry and thoughts raging at the speed of light...I reach my work area. And the first thing I watch just before entering my office is the time....and this watch tells me....again I am on time...Nothing ideal but worth something:)
So the day begins with basic verbs which one can find in any basic Grammar book -
talking, thinking, writing, walking, running, eating, searching , making jokes, listening, managing and doing all that is called client servicing in our ad world.
So when the day ends and my work is done..its 7 or 9 or 11 or 2 or 3 or 4 ...can get pretty exhaustive.
But in the end when I lay down on my bed, all I get is a good sleep, which is short lived:)
And then I feel truly amazed realising another important theory of life (believe it or not) that all good things are for a very short span of time:)
Jan 1, 2009
Welcome 2009....
How strange is this feeling we get, every year on 1st of Jan that last year passed so quickly and left so many memories!
Particularly, in my case, last year on new year eve, I had a beautiful time.
And I know maybe that time will never come again. Dear God....I sound like a crumbled bag :)
New year resolutions any? yeah there are some-
- Learn French which I had stopped lazily some months back!
- Be more kitchen friendly....remember making good food on ur own is better than eating out ! and some day I know that am gonna be a fabulous cooooook:)
- Read a bestsellar in every 2-3 months.
- Stay focussed. Less of distraction.
- Try out skirts this season!
- Send gifts to people I am close to..."on time"
And I really really wish that by the end of this year, I can truly say that my new year resolutions have not gone with the wind!
But they stayed and happened and fulfilled:) Amen!