I dont know why i am writing this...I was watching TV some time back and caught the glimpse of BIG TVad ....and it just occured to me what's the worth of Rs.100 in my life?Well that doesnot match anywhere but a thought captured my mind and a few hours later I am puttingthat thought in my blog...
Lets see, what all I can have in 100 bucks-
Can watch a movie or Have a pizza /pringles or magazine or lipstick or many things....or I can just keep it with me..and do what...duhhhhh
I see my young cousins getting every single thing they demand from their parents. And that's turning them into brats...Well I have nothing to question because when I was young I did the same them but it feels so sad to see that certain wants overshadow certain needs...
And that doesnot spare me from anything because I still spend without thinking sometimes ..
But the big question is the growing disparity between the rich and the poor..It is alarming...
We talk about globalisation, fluctuating sensex (and make stupid movies..saas, bahu and sensex!!!), wrath of global economic depression, booming corporate culture and everything thats too flashy about the emerging India..but we forget that beyond this superpower there exist some people who are striving for a piece of bread!
Very easy to put blame on Government, but it fails everytime. Faulty education sysytem, poverty, unemployment in rural areas still figure in Indian map.
Last year only, we witnessed a major media cum political campaign..Lead India..what happend after that? Maybe people like us are too busy living life in ACs and watching CNBC..and Big Boss..yeah I happen to be one of them!!!
I havenot made a major difference to anyone as of now..but done something which really satisfies me to some extent....And this is not about blowing my own trumpet..this about an experience ....
I tried to educate my house maid when I went on vacation (for 1 month after my Masters) to Guwahati where my parents were for 2 yrs....She is an Assamese woman..Her name is Jamuna..and she got married when she was 15....she has a small kid who lives with her because her husband has left her for drinking habits and other activities!
So she is raising her child on her own...educating him and seeing big dreams for him! And she is not the only case..atleast she is financially independent.
So during my stay over there for a period of 1 month I taught her to write and read Hindi..beacuse she was only conversant in Assamese and some broken Hindi words she had learnt from watching Bollywood flicks...She managed to make a signature instead of thumb pressing...She can now write her name in Hindi and English and read Hindi words as well...It was hard to make her sit but I was later so amazed by her enthusiasm and willingness to learn and remember..She still has the notebook I gave her filled with words, sentences, pictures, numbers...
Well, this was about Jamuna..I just hope she remembers her lessons and speaks in Hindi in a better way...
Saying things is very easy but moving even an inch takes time and effort...instead of waiting for a miracle to happen, each of us must try to do something constructive for our people whenever time permits us from our 9to5 jobs and deadlines!
sounds interesting.....from big tv to rs. 100 to jamuna....isn't funny dat 2day in this hardcore hushy-pushy life people don't bother 2 give a time 2 think dat where dey have spent that 1*100rs. imagine a stack of 100 coins of 1 rs. make it 100 rs. and wrapped in just one rectangular piece of paper v break or rather i shud say v remove 1 stack from the queue.....& for people like jamuna, this 1 stack is worth rs. 1000 for them...i.e. 10 more stacks arranged....bank vl get devoid of coins....so i wud only like 2 say dat if the punch line is "ho toh big ho"......what shud b big....tv....stack of coins ya parting some education to these girls for whom big tv is very small in comparison to rs. 100.....mayb when u read dis u'll find some nonsence, some non-related ma'er...but dats what i felt 2 comment on this note.....urs r welcomed...thnx
pretty logical!
thanx dear
p.s. want to read ur india 2050
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