Dec 24, 2008
Dec 19, 2008
Lessons Learnt in 2008

Well, with so many adjectives above, it has been a rock and roll year definitely
tooo much rock and tooo much roll....heheeeheeeee:)
2008 was just like this pic..if you are reading this blog please look at it....a clear sky with some clouds....
so was my state...too many doubts and a clear conscience....
and I hope 2009 is merrier for me :)
And there are lessons which I have learnt in this year, both in personal & professional life....
keep scrolling......
lesson no. 1
lesson no. 5
Life goes on and we should always keep up the hope and passion alive in the heart.
lesson no. 6
There are some people who are equally stubborn as I am and I can't help it.Period.
lesson no. 7
There is no need to be "too polite" & "politically correct" all the time.
lesson no. 8
Don't be over -emotional.
lesson no. 9
Keep in touch with old friends.
lesson no. 10
Indulge less into gossip.
And this is how I end this post.............
Working Girl - Part 2 - The fun begins!
I am seeing a pattern here now...how come every post of mine has questions...I keep on putting a question ahead of me and somehow figure out the answer myself in the process
Well this is a revelation.....I know what is appropriate and proper and to some extent I am not allowing myself to be swayed by emotions..just being true and honest with myself is not that difficult
When I wake up in the morning and look myself in the mirror, I see the confident "me"...wanting to learn and keep myself happy and others too!
I have reduced complaining, whining about things beyond my control!
This has much to do with my mind being occupied at other things
Anyway, my work is keeping me busy and I am liking the fact that most of the time I spend in the office or out of office...I am enjoying every bit of it...
And this is not the "new-new" enthusiasm that crops and grows,because of the new job, I think it is because this is coming from within..the same spirited girl I was before
I feel like giving my most at work...I am not slogging not tiring myself up....I am just feeling good...these days....
I have found out that preconceived notions are often wrong..it always happens the other way!
Everything happens for the best.....
And sometimes we have to leave certain things on fate :) :) :)
Dec 13, 2008
What is Next?
Well, what is next? This question struck me as I was looking out of my balcony and saw pigeons making this funny noise on the bar...they make funny noises:)
Anyway, this post of mine is somewhere related to a post I had written some days back and left incomplete.
Unpredictable things, uncertainties, sudden change in situations....everything is so damn unbelievable :)
Imagine if we knew what's gonna happen next day or day after tommorow or a year later? Well it sounds so boring and mundane because the element of surprise goes into an ebb.
Events, good or bad all are destined to happen to each of us.
We watch them happening in our lives, happening in the lives of our friends...we celebrate, we whine, we smile, we cry, we get scared, we get angry, we get peace, we get anxiety, we get every emotion running down in our blood when unknown events cross our lives through unknown moments....
Magical Moments...aren't they?
It is the beauty of the unknown that makes life worth living. These moments later become beautiful memories....
So, for me what is next.....something wonderful!!!
Dec 10, 2008
Working Girl - Part 1-The hunt is over
OOOOH.....A great feeling again....and that is because I am working again.
Well no more sleepless nights gazing at the ceiling thinking about the future.....I have become the same sane person I was some time back.
And these days when I was at home, I picked up a new hobby ...blogging and yeah! I am doing pretty good with this one.
Its a nice feeling altogether to be insync with the world now.
Everything that killed me earlier from within doesnot affect me much, I guess....no no no
it does affect me somewhere....phew:(
Anyway, its my first week at workplace and I am happy with the fact that I am enjoying my work and being appreciated for my efforts. It is more nice bcoz I am doing the work that I love to do.....
I just need to do the right thing in the right way and at the right time....and then ofcourse, God and my parents' blessings are there.
Gosh...its overwhelming....no one can understand this.......up there Who is taking care of me...Thanx for every lesson I had and for coming ones also...
today its just mmmmmuuaaahhhh to myself :)
Dec 4, 2008
Action Needed -The stakes are too high!

Documents, Investigation reports, Confessions of captured terrorists all point fingers towards a link with Pakistan. And yet, how innocently Pak Govt. denies all these evidences.
Dec 3, 2008
What Connects People?

Dec 2, 2008
Advertising @ its best - THE 90's ERA
Here is the list of my fav. ads-
cadbury chocolate.....a very old ad when i was in school....where a girl gets into the field and dances
raymonds ad ..... a man with cute lil puppies
dhara...jalebi ad...the kid in this ad was so cute
fevicol ad..... fevicol ka jod hai, tootega nahi..great comedy!
titan ad .....piano one
hamara bajaj... i still remember the lyrics...buland bharat ki buland tasveer....:)
pepsi ad....another oldie...featuring amir khan n aishwarya rai
complan ad...this ad featured shahid kapur and ayesha takia as kids who said "i am a complan boy. i am a complan girl".......the ad was good....i never liked the taste of complan....eeew...plain milk n sugar is the best...
lyril ad.....la la la la la
onida ad....the devil with horns.....neighbour's envy.owner's pride!
mile sur mera tumhara....well this qualifies for social advertising, different in the league....it must have cost a fortune to execute it during those days..nice presentation, nice music and the people who featured in it are all biggies!
Dec 1, 2008
Miss-interpret these signs - part 1
The stuff that makes a DESI GIRL!
what makes a Desi Girl class apart from rest of the chicks around the world?
My views-
she is the girl-next-door who aims to make it big in life
she knows what she wants to be
she craves for the best and for this she puts in her best
she is friendly, opinionated, arrogant and sweet as well
she looks good, not necessarily in conventional bollywood way and she knows that's a crap
she is confident
she is intelligent and smart
she is confused about many things
she is vulnerable
she virtually lives on gossip
she wants her own space at times
she loves street food. she loves to eat in expensive hotels
she loves India. she wants to see the world
she is stylish
she is grounded with values
she loves to hang out with friends
she lies at times
she is always in search for true love
she plays pranks and is full of life
she is not innocent. she is just a kid at heart!
she is an attention seeker
she wants to do things she has not done before. loves to experiment
she is a feminist
she hates snobs and knows how to deal with them
she is no "Lara Croft" but she is definitely adventurous
she is an actress. she has many shades
she lives in her dreams
she is politically correct when needed
she can manipulate.
she is a rebel. she is as soft as an ice-cream
she smiles unexpectedly. she cries unexpectedly
she is a constant learner
DESI GIRL is just any Indian girl who tries to break the contradictions that life throws at her.