Today, I am going to write in brief a little about my visit to my Grandparents' place and my views on Barack Hussain Obama.
I had been on a trip...to be with my Grandparents for a few days...i simply love them..
reminded me of my childhood days....when I saw my cutie pie niece imitating so well ..she is like me in many ways....i wish her loads of happiness...
And with me again its the same routine...meeting people, talking to them, everyday..its the same..phew...but finally I am happy that I am reaching somewhere...on my pro front, things are shaping faster now..which is a good sign as i had enough of waiting.
Like today, Obama won the Presidential campaign and became the 1st African-American President of USA....Great moment...A big change...And the whole world is watching...
For the first time I have witnessed in my life, a person who could transcend beyond race, creed, color, and boundaries. He is a leader, politician, visionary, statesman, impeccable orator, and has a approach that touches the masses. He is the President of masses....not just another Democrat taking oath at the Oval.... He has acted as a catalyst to bring back the hidden desire of everyone (not just an American), ....the desire for change..His slogan..."Yes, We can" has become synonymous to "Do or Die" laid by the Mahatma years back...
The entire wolrd had its eyes on this mega campaign...Obama's victory was assured despite of McCain's strong force behind him......it was a result of great planning, strategically built policies and strong belief.
Many things will change from now....many global issues will come on surface..Global recession, Terrorism, Indo-Nuclear deal, Outsourcing and Visa Issues, Global warming..and much more..
Coming days will tell more about how things move from here...Any change is welcomed moreso when it is so positive and so much wanted.It sends a signal across the globe how elections can influence people and how people play a major role in deciding their future, their country's future.
But what about me? What am I doing here....I want to make it big for myself...sooner or later something wonderful is going to happen with me as well...Words become meaningless if not transformed into actions....so I have geared up myself to do what I want from my life...so, right now, even if I don't get the kind of job I want, I will use it as a ladder to reach where I want to be in future...
I will not waste time and energy on stupid things...No no no..I will make it big one day...and the day is going to come soon....yeah need to preserve this craving....
Long live Self-motivation!!!
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