Feb 24, 2009

Dive your nose into...

There are certian smells which are so prominent. I have made a list of certain things from which their typical fragrance is inseparable......

When the rain drops touch the mud on earth

When petrol is pumped at gas fuelling station..it is intoxicating

When one enters a mall and the mixed smells of perfumes flowing from all directions fill in the nose and u get a sneezzzz..aaachhoo

The smell of camphor in Aartis

The smell of wind blowing across the sea

The smell of a small baby

The smell of sandalwood

The smell of cigarette smoke...eeeewwwwww

The fragrance of rose which no other flower can beat

The smell of fur of cat

The smell of coffee beans

The smell of mehndi leaves

The smell coming from newly painted walls in a house

The smell of my fav food item made by mom

The smell of success :)


Nidhi Bhargava said...

There can be more if u remember:
....smell of the mud in rain....
....fresh books from store...
....essense of the coming of holi.
....burning of wires..eeeeeuuuwww
........essence of being with ur loved ones.................

A free spirit said...
